One of the most inspiring people that I know to listen to is Kjell Enhager. Kjell was instrumental in Pia Nilsson’s work to develop the 54 Vision for Swedish Golf. The 54 was a bit of a symbol that stood for many things; thinking outside of the box, breaking old and very engraved behavioural patterns and the idea of making one instead of two putts per green the norm. An ever present mantra was to make what today seemed impossible, possible tomorrow. Many are the golfers, coaches as well as business men/women that have been helped by this. Kjell is a master at asking questions. Like nobody else he will make you think and get you to understand that many of the answers you are looking for are there right within yourself. A simple model that I remember Kjell using is to identify what it is we want and then work towards that by answering two questions:

1. What do we need to start doing in order to get there?

2. What do we need to stop doing in order to get there?

Way too often we stop before we get to 2. This time I will take it all the way though and I think it is time to put a stop to the Peter’s Monthly. The purpose of these letters has always been to share my thoughts and ideas with people I think enjoy to follow what I am up to. It is also a way to influence people and activities that in turn influence what I want to achieve. I believe that the written word is a strong way to, without direct contact, change culture or at least influence culture, in a way that can be positive for those therein. As the world moves quicker and quicker though I think there are now other ways. And I do wonder how many of the long list of recipients actually take the time to read what I write. To do a Monthly letter is a lot more time consuming than one would perhaps think and at the moment I feel my time is desperately needed elsewhere. There are so many exciting things going on in English Golf now and communication will be a key factor going forward. I have done 40 of these letters since I started the job in England, to a very widely spread range of people, and it is time to move on. My blog will continue and I hope you will find what I publish interesting to follow. I might be back in the same format or in some other way. Perhaps I will even start to tweet. Or was David Cameron right when he said that ‘too many twits make a ….’?

“To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.”

– Henri Bergson

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